This section is devoted to Tiberian Sun maps of all kinds. If you have a map you want to submit, I will check it out and post it with your name and email address.
Note: Too namy of these in your Sun directory will bog down your load time considerably. I have an AMD K-6 II 450 with 64MB of ram and a 3d card and it bogs down with only five in the directory. So be careful. Note: The night maps are DARK! You must have a rules mod that has light posts in it or you will not enjoy these maps. My Dark Worlds mod has a light post factory and light posts. Try it out. Night Raids Map This map is a small two player one, but has some nasty surprises! Made by me, Tebrey. Origin Battle Ground Map Submitted by -iOnEye-. Desert Nights Map This map is a medium by medium eight player map, it is night in the desert. Made by me, Tebrey. Desert Nights II Map This map is very large by very large and eight player, it is also night in the desert. Made by me, Tebrey. Great Lakes Map This map is small by very large, eight player, it is day in the temperate regions. Made by me, Tebrey. Two-River Valley This map is large by large, eight player and is evening in the temperate regions. Made by me, Tebrey. |